IMS MBA – Inspiring Through Actions



At IMS, we believe in making dreams happen through initiative and active participation. With excellent guide faculty members, students are encouraged to bring forward any business idea and nurture it.

An environment of passionate people and success driven individuals, doing your MBA from IMS is a fulfilling wish. Learn different skill through its SEED-C initiatives or start your very own venture, IMS has always helped the one who seeks.


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Academics plays an important role at IMS but it is not the only thing that courses through its system so jubilantly. Through many events the students are encouraged to participate and develop their managerial skills, be it organising a fest, a music band, theatre group, making virtual companies, meeting alumni and interacting with industry professionals, IMS always puts its students on the forefront to get the maximum benefit from these events.



IMS is a renowned B-School located at the historic city of Ahmednagar.

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